TITLE: Photography and its role as a modern art.

Introduction Surrounded by thousands of photographic images, we often take it for granted that in addition to supplying information and seducing customers, camera images also serve as decoration, afford spiritual enrichment, and provide significant insights into the passing scene. But in decades surrounding the discovery of photography, the question of whether photography is an art and its influence on modern art has often arisen. This has led to means of fitting this mechanical medium into traditional...

Titian Salome

It has been argued by scholars that Tiziano Vecellio, better known to most as Titian, is the most accomplished and valuable painters of the High Renaissance.  He studied under the direction of prominent mentors “Sebastiano Zuccati (d 1527), and then successively to Gentile Bellini, Giovanni Bellini and finally was associated with Giorgione”,# and managed to adapt the stylistic methods of fellow artist’s aesthetics with his own.  That is not to say the Titian was merely a commercial artist,...