Arch of Constantine.

The city of Ancient Rome, a rich city, filled with numerous historic events held at historic places known as the great ancient civilization. The Romans ruled as a supreme civilization in ancient times (Benton  DiYanni, 1999). Numerous generals would hail as heroes to their country by conquering lands and great battles. The Roman Empire would often offer gifts to their heroes as a sign of gratitude. Constantine, one of Romes great leaders, was erected an arch to commemorate his victory over...

Cult of the Cat Source of Huge Range of Artifacts.

Though it is hard to believe that the commonest of the domesticated animals like the cat could ascend to the rank of a powerful goddess, that was exactly what happened in Egypt long time back and such a tradition lasted no less four thousand years, if researched evidences are anything to go by (Scott, 1958). In that period cats were even found to share graves with Egyptians (Bisno, 1997).  Accordingly, a special branch of art called cat-art stemmed out of this association and spread all across...