Guernica and Images of War

One of the most celebrated work of Pablo Picasso, Guernica was painted with the artists experiences in the 1930s. The era of 1930 is surrounded by the different political turmoil of that time. In this work of Picasso, Guernica, art no longer became an ornamental to peoples life style but rather an instrument of war that can bring and manifest changes. The Guernica is inspired primarily by the atrocities perpetrated by Franco in the Spanish citizens. It also shows the destruction of a Basque village...

Diane Arbus Boy with Toy Hand Grenade

One day while walking in Central Park in New York in 1962, Diane Arbus happened upon a little boy playing in the park.  She asked if she could take pictures of the boy.  He agreed.  While she was preparing, the boy got impatient and posed angrily for the first shot.  But the succeeding shots were normal casual poses of the boy.  But that one photo of the collection became the more famous, defining photograph that would be used as a representative of Arbus work.   It...

Art Review The Steerage by Alfred Stieglitz

The span of Alfred Stieglitzs life from 1864 to 1946 was witness to the most intense transformations surrounding industrialization and urbanization ever to occur in the scene of American society and culture.  Stieglitz observed New Yorks conversion from a sleeping giant of cobblestone streets and horse drawn trolleys to a vivacious symbol of the contemporary metropolis, with towering skyscrapers becoming visible icons of a new era.  Stieglitzs photographs and the wide influence of his...

Artworks Resale Rights

Resale Rights, known as droit de suite, provide an artist or his heirs with a small royalty, usually less than 5 percent, each time the artists work is resold. This allows the visual artists to share the increase in value of their works. All of the European Union, including the United Kingdom have adopted the law. There is no federal resale royalty law in the United States except California. Despite the wide acceptance of the law in other nations, the U.S. should not adopt the law because it is...

Comment on Jaime Burgers Use of Photoshop

Picture 1 The use of Photoshop here is preposterous. Like Jaime noted, the drop shadow on the ground does not match with the image itself. Instead of dropping directly at the back of the image, it should b have been a little to the side. It represents two different perspectives and it is too fake to be believed. Picture 2 A terrible use of Photoshop. In an attempt to beautify a picture, we see here that the picture has been turned into what can never be real. The modification on the skin is way...
Roland Barthes is an outstanding French researcher, who wrote a number of investigative works, which deal with creative activity, imagery, texts and music. He was the one who dealt with rhetoric of image and signified that the author, who is the real father of any piece of art, is also closely connected to the historical background and many other figures The Death of Author, however, demonstrates that an author is not simply a person but a socially and historically constituted subject. Following...

Does Pop Art Celebrate or Critique Popular Culture

There are three main different types of art, namely visual arts, performing arts and literary arts. All these three are distinct and each of them has different categories under it. Literary arts cover the area of poetry, novels, short stories and so forth performing arts include all genres of music and theatre and visual arts covers the area of paintings, sculptures, textile arts among others (Tilman 6). This paper focuses on a type of visual art known as pop art. The paper will answer the question...

Nan Goldin

If a still image can speak, it will tell you stories that will capture your imagination. It can describe how the photographer feels when taking the shot it can also explain the emotions by the subjects to which the photograph has been taken, what the ambience of the location was and what the main feelings are during the poses. Even if the subject of the picture is not a living thing, that subject can be brought to life by the amazing shot captured by the master photographer. Composition and lighting...

Mummy Head cover

Egyptian Art Roman Period, 1st Century B.C. The sculptor has combined line elements, to create an impressive sculpture. From the top of the papier-mch-like helmet we can observe thick dotted vertical lines that spread gracefully as it passes meeting a different contour down and ended there. The rest of the similar lines within the helmet go thinner as it emphasizes the form of the subjects face. Hieroglyphs written at the bottom of the chin of this image is sculpted horizontally to look more stable,...

Yayoi Kusuma

Yayoi Kusama can be described as one of the most dominant artists in Japan in the 2960s and also in the modern era. She was born in Matsumo in 1929. Her desire for drawing and painting led her to plot her escape from Japan with the help of art magazine after entering the black market American embassy into the seams of her clothes. She then latter arrived the united states in New York City in the year 1958.  There is when she began to develop her career as an artist (Malcolm, 2003). Her artwork...