is an archetypical modern movement. Like many of the other schools of
Modernism, they rejected the elevation of fine arts over artisanship and
embraced technology while denouncing the ills wrought by modernization.
Although Bauhaus began as part of the international Expressionist movement, the
influence of Russian constructivism and De Stijl lead Gropius, Meyer,
Moholy-Nagy and others to abandoned Expressionism in favor of New Objectivity.
Bauhauss modernism and radical ideology lead to...
The art form of modernist period, can be generally stated from late 1900, in this period of
time people was exposed to lot of social reforms, like in the fields of economical, cultural,
political and educational change all over the world. Modern era artists were allowed to
experience freedom in their works and exploit new techniques. Contemporary art form is one of
the well known art form which was followed in modern era. Here the idea behind this art form
was to make the audience, think about...
Few Renaissance paintings are most famous than Botticellis the Birth of Venus and the Primavera. These paintings, like other paintings of the era, draw from a number of influences, both classical and contemporary to Botticellis time. There is reason to believe that Botticelli was specifically influence by Neoplatonism, specifically the writings of Poliziano and Ficino. If we look at the paintings through the lens of Poliziano and Ficinos works, a number of conclusions can be drawn, some of...
Museum Visit
The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida
Saturday, April 24, 2010, 2 p.m.
Question One
Guide to Croaghan
Question Two
Robert Henri
Question Three
Henri is a realist of the Ashcan School, an American movement in the early twentieth century that sought to depict working-class people and neighborhood as they really were.
Question Four
The piece is dated 1913.
Question Five
Henri is an American artist, born in Cincinnati. Guide to Croaghan is a portrait of Brian OMalley,...
The purpose of this paper is to explore issues of social justice, with a focus on animal cruelty, and to create awareness to the public through a creative process. The objective of this paper is to illustrate that stories can be used to change lives and also adjust peoples practices with the aim of enabling them to become more socially and environmentally conscious. In other words, in this paper it is evident that one can influence change basically by talking about issues and concerns...
Summary of Article 1 Klonk
Klonk explores the different reasons and purposes behind peoples gallery visits. While some go to galleries and exhibitions for art appreciation, some visit for emotional reasons while a few choose to observe visitors, others search for personal identification. Similarly, across cultures and countries, intentions in visiting museums vary and galleries themselves have diverse uses. For instance, galleries in Africa represent their collective identity they provide a sense of who the individuals are...
The article deals with the negative effects of media, specifically the stereotypes shown on television. Viewers do not accurately interpret the messages shown on television. Television shows present a variety of gender and racial stereotypes that leave a negative impact on its viewers because these stereotypes have negative connotations. Women, for instance, are normally portrayed as sensitive, nave, weak, emotional and constantly seeking for love. Television also packages various...
The Last Judgment (Michelangelo)
The painting of The Last Judgment by Michelangelo was a fresco which was executed between 1537 and 1541 at the behest of Pope Julius II who commissioned Michelangelo to perform the task. This scene is based on the passage in the Bible on what would happen when Christ would come again. Both the living and the dead, who would be raised then, will be judged by Christ and their fates would be determined if they are going to heaven or hell. The artwork was done on freshly spread lime...
Analysis of Modern Art
Answer to Question Number One
The narrative occupies a pivotal role in Western art as it functions as the unchanging element that enables the unification and hence the coherence of the different forms and types of art that has emerged and is considered a part of its category. Narratives role in unifying the different genres of Western art is specifically evident in its role in the creation and reception of Western abstract art. In the evolution of Western art, the initial adherence to the mimetic...
Defining My Own Art Comparison and Philosophy
While art is often considered as an artists expression of his or her own unique ideas, perspectives, and interpretations, it is still undeniable that art is also appreciated and evaluated from a public or societal point of view. As a matter of fact, throughout history, art always had a purpose or meaning in society furthermore, aspects such as history and culture of course result in a diverse view of art as further defined according to region or location (Kleiner 69). In this sense, as an artist,...