Ann Hamilton Myein

Anna Hamiltons Myein is more than simply artistic representation of imagination. Like most of her works, it corresponds to a text, an event or some similar background. The Myein explores different modes of perception of a displaced object or event and how it induces incoherence and thus is self defeating. It portrays paradoxes within our history and in Hamiltons own words it depicts contradictions (Coffey, 2001). Therefore, the Myein, bleeding from the interior owing to these paradoxes, depicts...

The Evolution of the Representation of the Female Image from the Byzantine Period to the Renaissance Period An Analysis of the San Vitale Mosaic Empress Theodora and Attendants and Jan Van Eycks Arnolfini Wedding Portrait

Different periods in history are characterized and distinguished from each other by significant developments in terms of their intellectual, political, economic, social, and artistic underpinnings. These underpinnings enable the division of the different art forms within the artworld either through the emphasis on the historical interpretation or stylistic interpretation of an artwork. The rationale behind the former lies in the effect of the social and political conditions of a period in the formation...

Compare and Contrast

The Stele of Naram-Sin and the Stele of Hammurabi Generally, the two steles are representative of the imperial art of the Mesopotamian civilization. Much like most steles, these two slabs showcase major events or circumstances from their specific eras the Stele of Naram-Sin showing the victory of King Naram-Sin of the Akkadian Dynasty over the mountain people, Lullubi, while the Stele of Hammurabi illustrates the bestowment of judicial power of King Hammurabi of Babylon by the god Shamash. Both...

Comparison and Contrast

The Steles of Hammurabi and Naramsin are both of Akkadian origins. They have been found in Susa, Iran which is not in the boundaries of Mesopotamia. While the Stele of Naramsin is made out of pink limestone which do not yield easily to sculptors, the Hammurabi stele is carved out black diorite, a fine grained stone. It easily yields to the sculptor yet it is proven to be hard and polished enough to last whatever type of destruction. Also, unlike the stele of Naramsin, which depicts the victory of...

Animal Themes in Ancient Art and Architecture

Depicting animals in art played a prominent role in the art history of ancient Near East, Early Christian and Islamic Art. It was very common to use animal figures as themes in these arts. The widely used animal figures were lion, horse, bull and sheep. Lets see in detail how the animal themes were used in the above mentioned arts. Animal Theme in Ancient Near Eastern Architecture In the ancient Near East, the civic rulers integrated civic designs into the buildings, gateways and sculptures. For...

Tyche-Fortuna St. Hilary of Galeata

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or  The Met , as it is commonly known, is a grand museum located in New York City, just along the east edge of Central Park. Housing over two million works of art, The Metropolitan Musueum of Art is considered as one of the biggest art museums in the world. Within its stately halls and vast rooms are some of the finest art pieces to be ever put on display, not just to be taken in as objects of pure aesthetic pleasure, but to also learn from the ways and culture...

Islamic Art

Islam is the second largest religion in the world. In the near future, it is going to be the second largest religion in America (Esposito 1). It is the main religion in 56 countries in the world like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria. There are also significant numbers of Muslims in India, as well as in China, Russia, and America (2). Muslims are monotheistic. They believe in only one god. Like the Jews, they also believe in prophets who are also in the Hebrew Bible such...

Islamic Art and Architecture

The cultures of Islam have produced rich visual and expressive forms of artwork for centuries.  Spanning countries, continents, and seas, Muslim influence has created beautiful architectural wonders, colorful ceramics, paintings, elaborate calligraphy, and so much more.  Because it is considered blasphemous to recreate images of Allah (God) or Muhammad (The Prophet), religious and cultural expression was pushed in the direction of geometric design, organically inspired images, and linguistic...

Indian Architecture and Worldview

The Indian culture has always evoked in a person visions of mysticism and spirituality quite unlike any other civilization. Bred from a millennia of cultural formations, Indian art remains a window into the vibrant soul of this most interesting culture and is a metaphor of the ideologies and beliefs of this amazing people. But most prevailing among these art forms is Indian architecture. According to Diagoro Chihara, architecture shows a peoples religious sentiments that arouse peoples emotions...


Impressionism both as a discipline and artistic style influenced a large part of the 20th century as it created better means of appreciating reality. Here, it provided a new definition in establishing forms and diversified the perspective of its application as relates to art and music. Due to this, such style captured the appreciation of the public as it consolidated new means of exemplifying technique with particular emphasis towards diversifying interpretation and meaning. Analyzing the specific...

Compare and Contrast Essay

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ artwork was painted by an Italian artist called Andrea Mantegna in 1480. Conversely, Giotto made the Lamentation painting between the years 1305 and 1306. Both paintings show various people mourning over Jesus death. Mantegnas painting shows Mary  Jesus mother, and St. John, beside the dead Jesus body the 2 are weeping (Derbes and Sandona 68). In the painting done by Giotto, five human forms surround the body of the dead Jesus Christ. In effect, Giottos...

Ann Hamilton Myein

Anna Hamiltons Myein is more than simply artistic representation of imagination. Like most of her works, it corresponds to a text, an event or some similar background. The Myein explores different modes of perception of a displaced object or event and how it induces incoherence and thus is self defeating. It portrays paradoxes within our history and in Hamiltons own words it depicts contradictions (Coffey, 2001). Therefore, the Myein, bleeding from the interior owing to these paradoxes, depicts...

Achieving artistic freedom by focusing on the interior

The artwork should be designed concentrating in the interior itself, regardless of the external environment where it rests. This will allow the interior designer to work through his masterpiece and not to limit himself with the boundary created by the external environment where his art work resides. Today, it is very common to see buildings, houses, restaurants, and resorts which are thematic with its surroundingsits external environment. Tall buildings with grotesque  architecture tower all...


Are computers transforming humanity The answer is obvious, the implications profound By Mary K. Pratt This article had discussed the different changes that technology is bringing to our life. Ranging from the new languages, new values, new standards and new goals that tech brought us the article had tried to argue that there are really drastic changes that are happening to all of us because of the advance of technology. Using data from the different studies that were done up to the numerous interviews...

Socio-cultural and Political Relevance of Artwork

The very spirit of an artwork remains in the time it was created.  There is no better way to appreciate art than to understand its situational context, that is, the space and time of its creation.  Works of art are like photographs taken in a particular time and place.  In this paper we explore the situational context of three works of art (1) the Robert Kennedy Times Magazine cover, (2) HIV Public Enemy No. 1 poster, and (3) Nabatean art. (See Appendix).  All three pieces of...