Is There a Place for Islamic Art in a Western Home

Art.  It is one of the purest and most significant forms of human communication. Where language often fails us, art can cross divides we sometimes erect due to differences in race, ethnicity, religion and culture.  Specifically, Islamic art, perhaps more than any other, presents a beautiful mirror of a culture and its world view. More than being just representative of a singular religion (as is often the case with Christian art), Islamic art deepens understanding about Muslim culture, at large. It is for this reason that Islamic art should not only be tolerated when found in a Western domicile, it should be encouraged and celebrated as a mechanism through which the West can build a new respectful, productive and healing relationship with Islam and its devotees.

We are all painfully aware that, On September 11, 2001, the West was devastated by a series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks organized by an Islamist fundamentalist group known as Al-Qaida.

After getting over the initial shock, pain and horror of this harrowing event in human history, the West was left with one profound sentiment  absolute confusion.  We, in the West, were faced with the stark realization that we simply had very little understanding, not only of the motivation for the terrorist attacks, but also of Islamic belief systems and principles, in general.  And, it is not a criticism, but simply an observation to note that the profoundly individualist mindset of the West, particularly America, had left us very isolated and without a developed understanding of global philosophical, religious and cultural doctrines which differ from ours.

It is now almost a decade after the horror of September 11, 2001, and although the West is still very insulated and lacks the full understanding of Islam which is so critical to securing a more peaceful global environment, we have made significant strides. The attack was not only a source of great suffering in the West, but also a wake up call to remind us of our insularity and the fact that there is a huge global community out there of which we are only one small part.  And, Islamic art and artists have made a huge contribution to furthering the understanding of Islamic culture and religion.

Some may view bringing Islamic art into ones home as inviting argument and conflict.  Narrow-minded people may view Islamic art as the creative product of an enemy of the West. However, more and more Westerners are coming to the understanding that Islam is not the Wests foe, but rather a potential partner and friend.  And, Islamic art has been a powerful tool in aiding the West to come to this conclusion. Through creative expression of many varieties (i.e. photography, painting, sculpture, music, architecture, fashion, etc.), Westerners are beginning to learn, not only about the Islamic beliefs which may differ from many of our own, but also about the areas where we have something in common with Islam.

There are so many types of contemporary Islamic art and ways to incorporate it in to a Western home.  Of course, the immediate thought one has when the word art is mentioned, is probably visual art.  Painters like Ali Omar Ermes, an Islamic artist based in the United Kingdom, introduce Western eyes to the beauty of Arabic lettering. Ermes work is significant in its exploration of the beauty of the written word and symbol. Writing, in the Islamic tradition, is highly regarded for its aesthetic beauty, and often utilized in architecture for its decorative effects, in addition to its simple meaning.  You may notice the lack of human and animal figures in Islamic art and its corresponding emphasis on lettering, geometric arabesque, floral and calligraphic representation.  This is no accident. It is due to the strict ruling against such representation (animal and human), in order to discourage idol worship. But, whatever the reason, the result is an elevated respect for written language and symbols  a lesson about the art of communication which Western appreciators of art may benefit from profoundly.

Another noteworthy artist who is drawing on traditional Islamic influences is Dubai-based talent, Noura Sadaka.  Sadaka paints, draws and creates unique wooden and metal sculptures through which she tries to communicate the many ambiguities and struggles of being a woman caught between both Western and Islamic identities. Noura is typical of many contemporary Arabic and Islamic artists in this way. So many Islamic creators have used their art to communicate a more balanced, harmonious world view which incorporates so many disparate, and seemingly opposing, elements. Through the work of artists like Sadaka, we not only see the tradition of Islam, we also see the ways in which many of the Islamic community feel great ties, love and respect for their peers in the West. Contrary to initial beliefs about Islam being the Wests enemy, such artists bring to light a much more complex and subtle truth about the relationship between Islamic peoples and their Western brethren.

Visual art is definitely not the only way to bring Islamic creativity into ones abode.  We may not normally think of magazines, television and the internet as sources of fine art  so often it is full of mindless content that could not be qualified as creative, by any stretch of the imagination. However, television shows like PBSs ART21, magazines like Brown Book and a variety of modern websites are exposing the West to Islamic artists whose work not only delights the senses, it also educates and helps expound understanding. Even the HBO series, Def Poetry Jam, did much to change stereotypes of Islam, by showcasing young, Islamic slam poets, especially in the early 2000s, the critical years which followed the terrorist attacks in New York.
It is clear that Islamic art has an essential function in furthering human understanding and connection.  It is a bridge to create a dialogue when the traditional means are inadequate to express the subtle complexity of thoughts, emotions and ideas which drive us. Through exploring the meaning and the essence of things beyond their physical form, through a brilliant use of color and balance and through the repetitious use of patterns and symbols, Islamic artists communicate sometimes unique, sometimes universal ideas about the spiritual questions with which all human beings grapple, regardless of their particular faith. For these reasons and more, Islamic art can hold a vital place in the context of a Western home  expanding dialogue and understanding and, ultimately, promoting more peace and tolerance globally.


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