Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment is a period in European history which covers roughly the eighteenth century. It is a stage where human intelligence one gained supreme power over other faculties of man, especially faith. It heralds the beginning of mans quest for knowledge which is not anymore grounded on superstition, mysticism or even religion but rather on the united forces of empirical data and application of reason. New ideas and new approaches were produced and brought significant changes to the society...

Renaissance Art Comparing the Ghent Altarpiece and the Holy Trinity Paintings

In the 15th century, art was experiencing a religious renaissance in Europe.  This rebirth was founded essentially in the theological, philosophical, and humanistic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  By taking a look at two pieces of art, Jan van Eycks Ghent Altarpiece, Saint Bravo Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium (1432) and Masaccios Holy Trinity, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy (1428), one is able to discern the meaning and intention of each artist in regard to the relationship between...

Expressionism On Egon Schiele and Max Beckmann

Throughout the 20th century, it is undeniable that the expressionism may appropriately be considered as the forefront of German and European art. Interestingly though, the term expressionism cannot be perceived as strict and unified in fact, the term has been used to collectively categorize a myriad of different styles and approaches while still maintaining the requirement for an emphasis on emotion and perception (Wolf, 2004). In this sense, it would be possible to consider expressionist art as...

What it means to be a father

Fatherhood is a blessing. Not everyone is given the chance to be a father. It is both a privilege and a responsibility. There is no perfect father, but that does not mean one should stop striving to be one. There is no perfect father and yet fathers have many options on how they can make their children love them for who they are, and that is almost as close as being the perfect father in the eyes of those who appreciate them. Fatherhood is complex, the complexities of life that the father is thrust...
I chose to compare and contrast two works of art that featured the god Dionysos. Dionysos was a god of celebration and wine, promoting both the intoxicating power of wine and its social benefits for bringing people together. He was an advocate of peace and a promoter of peaceful civilization. Both The Hope Dionysos and the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons Sarcophagus represent why Dionysos was such an important and celebrated figure in mythology, which is why I chose to analyze two works of art...


The first paper seems to be done poorly in terms of relevance to the topic and level of creativity reached. The idea behind the poster and the message with relevance to the topic given do not match up that well. There seems to be usage of text types and design in terms of the character, but inventiveness of thought seems to be absent from the posters (with the exception of poster number 2, wherein addition of the ribbon to the tire shows a comparison). The posters of The truth about forever however...

The Metropolitan Museum Paper

Statue of a Wounded Amazon and Statue of an Old (Market) Woman Walking through the hallowed halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one cannot help but be amazed at the breadth and quantity of sculptures that fill its many floors. But of all those sculptures, one cannot help but feel a sense of amazement at the life-like qualities of those created by Greek and Roman artists. Marble in medium, these works of art are the products of a culture surrounded by myth and an appreciation of the human anatomy....


Painting is an art which involves application of color on a surface such as canvas, paper, wall, lacquer, etc. Painting can be combined with drawing, composition and several aesthetic features to bring out a unique and beautiful impression. The oldest paintings claimed to be around 32,000 years old can be found at the Grotte Chauvet in France. These pieces of art are painted and engraved using black pigment and red ochre and they depict wild animals such as lions, rhinoceros, buffalos and mammoth....
Exhibitions usually do not catch the interest of many people, especially the younger generation, partly because they have been associating paintings and sculptures with older people. As a student, I also had the same view prior to visiting the recently opened exhibition. However, my views were changed about these masterpieces especially after seeing the photographs taken by Alfred Duggan-Cronin, which are dramatic and exceptional, to say the least. Upon entering the exhibition, I noticed that...

Women of Photography Nan Goldin and Sally Mann

If a still image can speak, it will tell you stories that will capture your imagination. It can describe how the photographer feels when taking the shot it can also explain the emotions by the subjects to which the photograph has been taken, what the ambience of the location was and what the main feelings are during the poses. Even if the subject of the picture is not a living thing, that subject can be brought to life by the amazing shot captured by the master photographer. Composition and lighting...

Art Nouveau Jewelry The Elegance of Free Form

The art world experienced a much needed breath of fresh air in the period known as Art Nouveau. This style of art was prevalent from about 1890 through 1910. Characteristics of this new style of art were free flowing lines, lush enameling, the celebration of the curves and lines of the human form and natural beauty including flowers and insects and animals. There was a certain freedom in this elegant art form. Prior to what we now refer to as Art Nouveau, there was a certain dreary strictness in...