
The Renaissance was a movement that marked the end of the Middle Ages, ushering the coming of the modern period.  The word itself essentially meant a rebirth in the sense that the period was actually a revival and a resurgence, particularly of the classical culture and influences of the ancient Greeks and Romans. In Italy, where the movement started, the people were constantly surrounded by the ancient ruins which served as a constant reminder of what they were and what they had.  This...


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) stands out in its location with its huge, layered rectangular layered contemporary faade.  Its walls reflect the sunny climate of the place with its beige paint and behind this faade is a lower wide building housing the extensive collection of the museum. The museum is actually separate building fused into one and some areas are still currently under construction.  Inside, the museum is divided into various wings and levels each housing a...

Herakles Metope, Temple of Zeus

Considered as the most eminent building and a model of canonical Doric architecture (Robertson 80), the Temple of Zeus stands at the very centre of the Altis in Olympia, Peloponnese Greece. It was built by the Eleans from the rewards of the Triphylian war (Elean conquest of the Pisatans, 470BC).  This temple was dedicated to the god of the sky and ruler of Gods, Zeus, who was immemorially worshipped in the Altis (Robertson, 79). It was constructed between 470BC to 456BC by architect Libon of...

Chinese Landscape Painting

Having one of the oldest histories of art, culture and civilization, China has come through a long journey to discover the true essence of nature and how to preserve it in their famous Landscape paintings. The art of landscape painting evolved in the late Tang dynasty. I will hereby discuss what made the artists twist their paint brushes in such a way that that their paintings became a dialogue with nature. What thought and intention lay behind these famous Chinese Landscape paintings. A Brief...


The article by Brenson spoke of the different language curators use when trying to communicate to the audience the message of an art piece. A standard language only hinders in conveying the exact messages of pieces. Thus, the issue that was at hand was the language in which curators may speak and relay to the audience not only the information of the painting as well as the different probable interpretations it may convey. The article points that not only the artists struggle to make their works...


For this assignment, I will be considering Funerary Stele of Tembu from ancient Egypt. My primary reason for this choice is because of the enjoyment I find in the art of Tembu. The reign of ancient Egypt lasted approximately 3000 years, during which time many fine works of art were created, including great architectural structures and  sculptures. The Egyptian civilization started near the river Nile, eventually the Egyptians achieved the greatest empire of the era. The great Egyptian art works...

Art of Touring the World Traveling as a Healthy Creative Process

I consider traveling as an important part of my creative process. Whenever I go to new places, revisit favorite destinations, see new sights, and indulge in different cultures, I believe that I am enhancing my creativity and improving my talent in the arts. Traveling is an activity that expands a persons horizons and allows him to have more sources of inspiration. When I reach those moments that I feel deprived of idea of what to create or stuck in limited inspiration, I go out and travel. Through...

Court News

Editorial Despite our report of the 30th November regarding her majestys speech to the House of Commons in which she stated she would act only for the good of her people, it has to be admitted that there is still an air of disquiet in the country regarding the future of the monarchy. The queen, although still in good health in body and mind, is now in her 68th year and the length of her reign is unprecedented. The future of a Protestant monarchy must be assured for the sake of the country, its stability...

Nam June Paiks TV and Its Influence

Nam June Paik, a Korean-American artist, died in Miami, Florida, in January 2006 aged 74 years. As word about his death spread far and wide, many artists were affected by the loss of a man who has not only been hailed as the founder of video art, but is also remembered as a great artist who invented new ways of creating art that have been adopted by and become popular among the younger generation of artists (Norie Sato). Paik was not only a remarkable innovator but also stood out as a fitting icon...

Religious Images of the Byzantine Empire

From the fourth century until the mid-thirteenth century, Constantinople was the epicenter of a new Roman Empire that gave full recognition to the burgeoning Christian religion, which remained at a constant collision with its evidently pagan past. Founded by the great Christianized emperor Constantine, the city was to be a platform of this newly established belief system, as can be seen at the multitude of notable artworks and architectures found all throughout this massive city. Reflecting the...

Pulp Art vs. Mid-Century Art

Pulp art and mid-century art are two consecutive art movements that may have even overlapped sometime between 1945 to 1950. This paper examines the qualities of each genre and in the process, identifies its differences and similarities. The main differences of both are the materials used the themes are somewhat similar but one can observe that pulp art has a wider range of themes than mid-century art due to the influence of the sentiments of its consumers. As a graphic illustrator, it is important...

How are fashion and appearance central to the construction of social identities Discuss, with reference to specific examples

We live in a world were physical appearance is the measurement of our self-worth. Media advertisements more often than not show how people can improve their appearance and why it is important. From job interviews to social events, how people look and dress determine other peoples impression. In this age of increased self-consciousness, fashion and appearance play a crucial role in establishing the social identity of a person. Fashion, as defined by many books and other resources, can be defined...

Paul Gauguin (1848-1903)

Paul Gauguin was a French painter and at the same time a sculptor, who used to look for exotic environments for his work. He could go as far as France and Tahiti to look for this kind of environment. Mostly, he used objects and people in his art work especially the painting one, bringing out a mysterious world into the mind (Gates and Galls, 2010). He always wanted to express spirituality and states of emotion in his work. He has been associated with post-impressionist, symbolist and synthetist...