Art History Visual Analysis Paper.

The ancients Romans are known to have borrowed heavily from the Greeks in terms of artistic inspiration and techniques. This combined with their own indigenous artistic features forms what is termed as Greco- Roman art. The various art forms include Pottery, Sculpture, Paintings, Architecture and other art forms. The earlier subject matter was mostly geometric or abstract in nature and the later works include depiction of human figures. The subject matter chosen were mostly divine, mythological,...

Five examples of Art Forms.

In the first piece, we have an example of 1-Point Linear Perspective. This is a drawing by Andrean Schiptjenko, which is unofficially titled closed space. This piece is displayed in the Galerie der Stockeregg in Switzerland. Notice how the vanishing point is in the center of the rectangle. All the diagonal lines meet at this vanishing point. The diagonals above the eye level line slant downward toward the vanishing point and the diagonals below the eye level slant upwards toward it. Also, the vertical...

Art Analysis Style of Female Nudes.

The three paintings included in this art analysis of female nudes are Venus and Adonis from the Italian Baroque style of painting, Grande Odalisque from the French Neo Classical style, and Le Dejeuner sur lHerbe from the 19th Century European Modern style.  Venus and Adonis is an oil painting on canvas by Flemish artist Peter Paul Reubens from the mid or late 1630s about 78 x 96 inches in size.  Here, the nude goddess Venus, assisted by Cupid, tries to restrain her mortal lover Adonis...

Art Music

September 2009 was marked with one of the most notable and most notorious thefts in the history of art  a collection of sport paintings by Andy Warhol was stolen from the LA home of a famous collector Richard L. Weisman. The collection, the value of which is difficult to estimate, simply disappeared without any hope for a return. However, just a decade ago the silkscreen paintings of the prominent sport figures made by Andy Warhol waited for the buyer to find them, and no one seemed interested...

Midterm Examination.

Question 1The relationship between art, religion and banking in Renaissance Florence was essentially one where art and the Church relied on the banking industry and the guilds for financial support.  Powerful banking families like the Medicis were bankers to the popes and lenders to the European monarch and established mercantile colonies throughout major cities in Italy and Europe. The bankers used their significant wealth and influence to patronize artists who produced religious artworks...
Compare and contrast two monuments in terms of the ways they respond to and are affected by their landscape andor urban settingwhat we might call site specificity.  How does understanding of the monuments location and orientation (to topographic features, other monuments, etc) expand our understanding of their significance, function, and the viewers experience of them When it comes to analyzing ancient art and architecture, one must also study the time period and location of their discovery...

Roberto Cavalli-The Fashion King.

Before putting an insight into the life of Roberto Cavalli, let us become acquainted with the term fashion and what its future is. Fashion is a term usually used to describe a style of clothing worn by people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for a period of about one to three years and then another fashion replaces it. As there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily give their acceptance to the changes. When a style is introduced as a fashion, its use becomes a...
Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno in Aesthetic Theory (1970) It is now taken for granted that nothing which concerns art can be taken for granted any more neither art itself, nor art in relationship to the whole, nor even the right of art to exist. (pessimistic postmodernist view). The concept of art include a concept fine art, which is created to express authors creativity. Instead, commercial art is created by order and refers to objects created for commercial purposes, yet bearing features of...
The Carolingian manuscript discusses and attempts to explain a variety of different questions beginning with the relationship of mutual understanding and support between the Pope Leo III and the first Christian emperor, Charlemagne, to the difference between the artistic and cultural understanding of the word  gothic  and the changes in outlook that came about in art with the decline of religion and upswing of science of the last two centuries. The article mentions examples of art like...
Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno in Aesthetic Theory (1970) It is now taken for granted that nothing which concerns art can be taken for granted any more neither art itself, nor art in relationship to the whole, nor even the right of art to exist. (pessimistic postmodernist view). The concept of art include a concept fine art, which is created to express authors creativity. Instead, commercial art is created by order and refers to objects created for commercial purposes, yet bearing features...
The Carolingian manuscript discusses and attempts to explain a variety of different questions beginning with the relationship of mutual understanding and support between the Pope Leo III and the first Christian emperor, Charlemagne, to the difference between the artistic and cultural understanding of the word  gothic  and the changes in outlook that came about in art with the decline of religion and upswing of science of the last two centuries. The article mentions examples of art like...

Thomas Cole The Oxbow and Vincent van Goghs Starry Night.

In Thomas Coles painting The Oxbow we see a lush landscape from the top of a mountain. The hills are covered in greenery and in the distance one can see a river. The sky is partly obscured with clouds. The subject of the painting is a view of f of the top of Mount Holyoke in Northampton, Massachusetts at the end of a summer thunderstorm. The painting measures 51  x76 inches. The primary materials are oil on canvas. The main colors are the colors of nature, rich brown, verdant green and sky...

Arch of Constantine.

The city of Ancient Rome, a rich city, filled with numerous historic events held at historic places known as the great ancient civilization. The Romans ruled as a supreme civilization in ancient times (Benton  DiYanni, 1999). Numerous generals would hail as heroes to their country by conquering lands and great battles. The Roman Empire would often offer gifts to their heroes as a sign of gratitude. Constantine, one of Romes great leaders, was erected an arch to commemorate his victory over...

Cult of the Cat Source of Huge Range of Artifacts.

Though it is hard to believe that the commonest of the domesticated animals like the cat could ascend to the rank of a powerful goddess, that was exactly what happened in Egypt long time back and such a tradition lasted no less four thousand years, if researched evidences are anything to go by (Scott, 1958). In that period cats were even found to share graves with Egyptians (Bisno, 1997).  Accordingly, a special branch of art called cat-art stemmed out of this association and spread all across...

Andy Warhol

    In 1928, a baby was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who grew up and revolutionized the face of contemporary art scene. This lad was named Andrew Warhola (Andrew Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts). He was the youngest among all the children of Andrej Warhola and Julia Zavacky Warhola. It was at Holmes Elementary School and Schenley High School that Warhol received his formal education. In college, he opted to study at Carnegie Institute of Technology where he studied with...