Five examples of Art Forms.

In the first piece, we have an example of 1-Point Linear Perspective. This is a drawing by Andrean Schiptjenko, which is unofficially titled closed space. This piece is displayed in the Galerie der Stockeregg in Switzerland.

Notice how the vanishing point is in the center of the rectangle. All the diagonal lines meet at this vanishing point. The diagonals above the eye level line slant downward toward the vanishing point and the diagonals below the eye level slant upwards toward it. Also, the vertical and horizontal lines get shorter, or recede toward the vanishing point.

The second piece is by David Godbold and is titled A few things I thought about while painting this, residing in the Kerlin Gallery, in Dublin, Ireland. This Cross Contour example uses brush strokes to indicate the different contours of the landscape and the various elements of the landscape, such as the ground, the sky and the trees. Cross-contour lines describe form and volume and reflect the movement of your eye in and around what you see.

This third piece, Hiroshi Sugimotos 017 Rei Kawakubo, resides in Gallery Koyanagi in Tokyo, Japan. This painting demonstrates the Chiaroscuro effect. The word Chiaroscuro basically means, light and dark, in Italian. These types of paintings generally use dark backgrounds with a spotlight on the figures in the paintings, such as the spotlight here, shown on the left side of the model. This type of contrast creates a powerful and dramatic effect.

This fourth piece, A History of the Heart in Three Rainbows 1.3-1.5, by Francesco Clemente, is held in the Deitch Projects in New York City. This artwork focuses on the biomorphic form. Biomorphic paintings and drawings depict shapes in organic form rather than geometrical. Notice how the man-made grid-like table cloth contrasts with the over-sized, organic sunflowers.

The fifth piece of art is an example of line variation by Aditya Pande. This particular painting is called,  and is held at the Nature MorteBose Pacia, in New Delhi, India. In this piece, Pande displays incredible line variation. There are all types thin, thick, flat, broad, straight, slanted, curved and spiral.


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