Concert Review The Longest Birthday

On Saturday, February 27, 2010, I  had the great fortune to attend The Longest Birthday, one of the most unique creative performance experiences Ive ever had the opportunity to witness.  The brainchild of  Edyta Duda-Olechowska, a prominent figure in the Polish theatrical and arts community, The Longest Birthday was a week-long event celebrating the 200th birthday of composer Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (or Frdric Chopin, as he is more commonly known).  The concert was  hosted...

Byzantine Art Representations

Byzantine art is an archaistic word used more often to describe the products of artists of the Byzantine Empire. This was at around the 4th century until the fall of the Constantinople in 1453. These works were used in the early periods in the Byzantine Empire for mostly political reasons. This ended up influencing other empires that were neighboring it, for instance the eastern orthodox and other states that were contemporary with the Byzantine Empire such Bulgaria, Serbia, Rus. Other kingdoms...


There was a hiss - the hiss was from the stereo followed by an almost inaudible click.  The hiss became a voice  a male voice, tender, and soft, gentle, sleepy Today when you purchased this tape you have decided to change your life forever.  No more worries, no more hang-ups, no more messed-up life.  You are the only one who can change your life Lay back.  Dim the lights.  Adjust the stereo sound so that it is comfortable - like soft, gentle, whispers.  Feel your...

Dorothea Lange - Resettled farm child From - Taos Junction to Bosque Farms project, New Mexico

The picture was taken by Dorothea Lange on 1935, it is called Resettled Farm Child from Taos junction to Bosque farms project, New Mexico. She has used a Medium-format nitrate negative for the Resettlement Administration. Dorothea Lange (1895 - 1965) was a prominent Depression era photojournalist. Her Great Depression photos were produced during employment by the FSA. With her camera, she turned national attention on migrant families. Featured works provide an archival look at the early-mid 20th...

Marble Head of Athena - Metropolitan Museum, NY

The Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York has a collection of millions of art works from around the world. In this fabulous museum, there are more than 5300 historic pieces from 900 B.C. to early 4th century A.D. The historic pieces of art include monuments, sculptures, paintings and historical items, etc from Greek Hellenistic period to Roman Empire and Golden Age of Augustus (Djibnet, 2007). In the Metropolitan Museum of New York, one can explore through the vast expanse of history and find...

Gothic Art

Gothic art flourished in Europe in the mid-12th century and drew significant inspiration from religion.  One of the earliest Gothic structures was made by Abbot Suger of the monastery of Saint-Denis in the region of Ile-de-France near Paris (Gunderson 11).  Suger wanted Saint-Denis to be the center of religion of France so he decided to remodel the church in Saint-Denis.  Suger, a lover of architecture, incorporated all the elements of architecture he had seen during his travels to...
    The role of women in the field of arts had been evident throughout the years despite of the difficulties associated with training and the recognition given to their fields. In the early period of the Medieval age, women are seen to be working together with the men in the various areas of arts like carved capitals, embroideries and manuscript illuminations. Historical documents also showcased that women were also involved as butchers, brewers, iron mongers and wool merchants. In...

The Celtic Art in the Lindisfarne Gospels

    The Lindisfarne Gospels is a gospel book which was created at the Northumbrian monastery found on Lindisfarne at  the end of the seventh century or the beginning of the eighth  (Herren and Brown 217). It is stated that the Lindisfarne Gospels is one of the earliest biblical documents in Britain its language is the Latin Vulgate Version, and its pages are decorated with  the finest Anglo-Keltic art  (Boulton 32).     The Lindisfarne Gospels contains ...

Travel Tourism The Fashion Brand Hotel

In the competitive environment of the modern fashion industry, a relatively new and surprising trend seems to be emerging as an opportunity for the major firms to display their genius in design and, of course, to attract more luxury customers to their already profitable business. Taking advantage of the reputation acquired through the years and their exclusive client portfolio, fashion designers are now in a position where they can diversify their traditional activities and move a little bit further...

Pasadena City Hall

Pasadena is in the north east of Los Angeles and is a city in California. In 1923 the people of Pasadena decided to pass a bond issue of 3.5 dollars so as to establish a civic center. Plans to build it started. The City Hall was designed by Arthur Brown and John Bake well. It is located at 100 North Garfield Avenue. Its construction was completed on 27th, December 1927.It is rectangular and it measures 242 feet West and East and 351 feet South and North (Cecilia 6). The East side is one storey...

How Can Theater Enforce Social Transformation

    In the course of human history, there were several efforts made in line with social transformation  some of it shall be categorized in passive or violent form.  Social transformation appears to be a continuing need of man since there is also a continuous saga of poverty, hunger, war, and cultural differences.  By social transformation, we mean to empower individuals in order to remake or to reconstruct the society (Goldbard, 2001, p. 128).  And if politicians...

Rational Analysis of Qantas Annual Report

This paper intends to analyze the Qantas Airline annual report in terms of emotional and rational responses to the images and the text provided in the report. The report is full of graphical images about the company taken at different place and events throughout the year.The images explicitly describe one or many aspects of the companys values and missions and are intended to attract the potential investors and retain the existing investors.The report is also useful to general customers and media...

Synthesis of Assigned Readings Education and the Shaping of the Human Character

    Since the end of the Civil War, schooling became more practical when business and industrial drawing became the initial step.  The idea was to provide an equal education to all citizens regardless of their birth or future vocation in life (Amburgy, year, p.103).      Through education, there is development of the character and of the intellect, as well as the construction of individuality, of self-discipline, as well as the importance of reasoning (Kant,...

History of Fashion

    The history of fashion design is generally considered to have started in the 19th century when the industrial revolution was at its peak and the invention of the mechanical sewing machine. Many women adapted to the revolutionary politics, social culture and philosophy for fashion as French Revolution progressed in the late 1700s. Plain dresses in plain color took over fashion in clothing especially in women. Thus, fashion design according to scholars was started by an English...

Critical Thinking during Visual Consumption Pleasuring for Empowerment

People need to be critical of the various visual images that are marketed to them by both private and public organizations, and the beliefs, values, and behavior that these visual images project and promote, as well as the stereotypes they reinforce, so that they can actively resist images of oppression and discrimination, and the same time, people can also find that visual consumption can be more pleasurable, if combined with critical analysis, because it is through analysis that they can uncover...

Advanced Art - The Renaissance

    The renaissance refers to a period in history between the 14th century and 17th century characterized by widespread Cultural Revolution that began in France and spread throughout   Europe (Neal  John, 2005). The renaissance was characterized by reforms in education, classical based learning and development in linear painting the era is credited with many contributions in intellectual matters, many social and political upheavals as well as its artistic impressions....
Each year there are billion dollars spend as a celebrity endorsement contracts like Tiger Woods, Britney Spears. Using super stars well generates attention to the public, rich and poor, young and old ones. The more it appear on public the more it gets public interest and as a result it increase revenues.It is estimated that Woods are earning over 100 million dollars from his endorsement deals alone the 90 comes from endorsements.Nike a 30-million deal(Talmazan, 2009)What is fashion Its a question...

The Atrocities and Fight for Congo - The King Leopolds Ghost Chapter 8-14

The King Leopolds Ghost written by Adam Hochschild is a very interesting historical account of a voyage of a selfish king to the one of the richest countries in Africa. This voyage showed some of the cruelest treatments and forms of slavery to the natives while these inhuman actions are masked with the philanthropic disguise of King Leopold and his men. 8As King Leopold discouraged and discredited most of his opponents as shown in Chapter 7, in the succeeding chapters he continued to establish and...