Advanced Art - The Renaissance

    The renaissance refers to a period in history between the 14th century and 17th century characterized by widespread Cultural Revolution that began in France and spread throughout   Europe (Neal  John, 2005). The renaissance was characterized by reforms in education, classical based learning and development in linear painting the era is credited with many contributions in intellectual matters, many social and political upheavals as well as its artistic impressions. Scholars during this period employed the method called humanist in order to identify realism and emotions in art. The renaissance is also attributed to contribute to the development and the rebirth of artists and their careers exemplified by the life and works of Nichol Machiavelli.

     Machiavelli was a Frenchman who lived a life of patriotism and politics between 1469 and 1527. His writings in politics were misunderstood at the time especially his work on the prince a book he wrote in order to win back support of the Medici the ruler at the time after he fell from office (Edmund, 1999). The book didnt win him the support favor he needed after the Medici rejected it due to its support for cruel and totalizes leadership. This made Machiavelli to have a bad reputation among the general public due to his views on politics at the time and therefore even when there was a chance for reelection after the unification of France he could not be re elected. Despite his other works like discourses in livy that revealed his political genius he was attacked during his lifetime and thereafter for this bad reputation. His true personality and rebirth has only been revealed recently making people to change their views about him to that of true patriot and as a genius in politics (Neal  John, 2005).


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