The Critique of Originality and the Return to Painting

Based on a multitude of perspectives which communicate on a less than elitist level, the postmodern artists of the 1970s and 1980s focused on the negative side of the postmodern world through new forms of expression. One such artist is the social critic Barbara Kruger, a postmodern artist who addresses issues on sexual politics, feminism, consumerism, money, and power in mainstream magazines. Using language as her number one weapon, Barbara Kruger uses her professional background in poetry and...

Leonardo Da Vinci The Indefatigable Lighthouse of Civilization

Even as the current state of civilization boasts of its high levels of science and arts, it cannot deny the fact that a relentless endeavor of the humans through centuries to refine their thinking and ability has done all the spadework. This fact is corroborated by the evidences of numerous experiments in the fields of science and arts, where some humans stand larger than life in the pages of history by virtue of their colossal contribution to the development of the same. However, out of this group...

Art, the 1950s, and the Cold War

Some may wonder how films such as REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, PILLOW TALK, and FAR FROM HEAVEN may yield an insight into the Cold War. The fact of the matter is that the impact of the Cold War was so dramatic and drastic that the effects of the war impacted all facets of life. As such, this impact is apparent in the film, television, and art of the era. A closer examination of such works reveals how the specter of the Cold War is weaved into landscape of such artistic mediums. In the early 1950s, America...

Visualizing Global Catastrophe The Role of Visual Culture in Addressing Climate Change

Over the past few years, Climate Change has been one of the most discussed topics worldwide. Though its impacts have been comprehensively explained by experts, majority of the worlds population are left asking as to how Climate Change can actually make a difference in their day-to-day living. For most people, concepts such as global warming, rising sea level and changing landscape are hard to visualize, leaving them to brush off the idea of Climate Change altogether. As a result, environmental advocates...

Desserts with Cloves

Cloves can be used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from the super sweet to the spicy and savory.  In desserts they are most commonly paired with cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, or ginger.  Baklava is a traditional Mediterranean dessert that incorporates the clove spice as a prominent flavor.   It is a fairly labor intensive dessert to make at home, but is wildly popular and very delicious.  A more well-known dessert that also uses the clove spice to enhance a robust flavor...

Mario Menjivar and a Career in the Animation Industry

Mario Menjivar has been a professional animator for over 17 years. The Internet Movie Database website, the first film that Menjivar worked on was a critically panned adult live-actionanimated feature called Evil Toons all the way back in 1992. It seems like a rather rough start, but his career only went straight up from there the next item on his filmography is the Disney Classic Aladdin, in 1993. He spent most of his career as animator for the Walt Disney Feature Animation studio, his work featured...

Appreciating Visual Art forms through Fashion

Art can be defined as the product or process of deliberate arrangement of elements in a manner to affect the emotion or senses of a viewer (Tolstoy, pp.28). A diverse range of human activities, forms of expression and creations encompass art. These would include visual and the performing arts that entail music, sculpture, paintings, literature and film among others. Visual art is the form of art that mainly produce works that can be appreciated visually (Bell, pp. 17). These include paintings,...

Understanding John Donne

Donne accepts that the personality of love is the union of soul and body. The role of the heart relies on the body. The purity of human partners cannot be made with souls only. All in all, romanticism and cynicism pertaining to love seems to live together in John Donnes romantic poetry. He at times articulates the uselessness and instability of love in his works. However, in The Flea, he has moved from his common ground by employing a persuasive tone, this is supported by the fact that, in the poem...

The Evolution of Space in Paintings

The illusion of creating space on a two-dimensional surface changed drastically in the 20th century.  By looking at three works by painters David, Cezanne and Mondrian, I will discuss this evolution of space. Oath of Horatii (1784) by French artist Jacques-Louis David is considered on the most important paintings in neo-classical art. A break from the Rococo style art that had preceded this time period, Davids painting shows hard lines and de-emphasized backgrounds.  His use of one-point...

Bonsai Japanese Tree Art

Many people in the contemporary society have always expressed their desire to connect with nature especially by cultivating certain plants in their compounds but the urban living conditions cannot allow. These, especially in towns have little space around their houses for growing flowers or trees and this greatly applies to those who live in apartments which are compacted or multistoried (Pilgrim, par 1). Did you know that one can actually grow trees in his or her house Thanks to a Chinese ancient...

A Comparison between the Works of Ancient Rome and Greece

From the twelfth to the eighth century B.C the inhabitants of the present day Greece settled into small communities for their common protection. Gradually, these scattered settlements developed into city-states. Each city-state was a separate entity, with its own government, its own code of laws, and its own distinct personality (Berkshire 1995). These city-states produced different philosophical and literary works as well as works of art. For the sake of comparison and evaluation, Homers literary...

Venus Mirror An Image of Baroque Art

This paper discusses the Baroque era. It also includes a description of one of the eras artists and a report about one of the artists paintings. Venus Mirror An Image of Baroque Art The Baroque period was one of the most colorful periods in European history. It consisted of many changes in the continent such as the development of Martin Luthers reformation, which was the birth of Protestantism. It was also a time when Feudalism was diminishing, leading the way to a government based on a single...

Yasuki Hiramatsu, the Famous Metal Smith

Yasuki Hiramatsu, the famous metal smith for jewelry was born in Osaka, Japan in 1926 and currently lives in Tokyo, Japan. He obtained his graduation in 1952 from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts  Music. Having experienced military life as a student soldier during World War II, Hiramatsu became acutely sensitive to the challenges of life. Wishing to create something truly valuable to human life, he had focused his efforts on producing crafts and jewelry that, through their use, bring...

The Best of the Best Oceanic Artworks

Oceanic art is composed of the artworks made from Pacific islands, Australia and some parts of Hawaii. Its first examples were traced way back during the 38, 000 B.C on the Pacific Islands. Though they are well kept and preserved, only few of these artworks had survived the challenges of time since it is only made by perishable materials. In fact, Oceanic people had never considered their works as a form of art they had merely made all of these for their practical purposes including their social...

Art of Scandal The Raft of George W. Bush by Joel-Peter Witkin

About the artist Human state has unquestionably been Joel-Peter Wilkin power of photography. For more than 20 years he has practiced his concentration in theology and how it collides with the corporal world in which we live. Finding splendor inside the bizarre, Witkin follows this mainstream yet complicated subject among human beings often thrown away or rejected by the community  vision of human beings in forms of anomalous bodily capacities, possessiveness and any existing parable. His attraction...

Introduction to the Study of Literature

Rite of Passage is a poem written by the multi-awarded poetry writer Sharon Olds about a boys birthday party. By incorporating several literary elements, she was able to turn a simple and common theme into a more interesting one. In the first stanza of her poem, she writes  As the guests arrive at our son s party  (line 1). From this line, one can assume that this poem is based on personal experience and she is referring to her sons actual birthday party in the past. Thus, through this...

Self Assessment Paper

Answers for Assessment Items Question 1 For Work or Homework I need to improve my self-awareness in comprehension skills and communicating skills. I am not able to communicate my exact ideas and thoughts to the instructor while doing homework or some other work. I need to be more attentive while performing work which I do not like. For Art While drawing and painting, I need to expand my thoughts. I sometimes get confined to a certain path or a topic and keep thinking about it while drawing or...